
10 Simple Steps to Stay Healthy While Traveling February 05 2020, 53 Comments

This post is credited to Airasia as it is taken from their site. 


Credits: Air Asia. Image taken from this page .

Please Stop Open Burning! October 03 2019, 39 Comments

Our heart breaks every time we read of nature being decimated. Please protect our environment. Let's create an awareness in us, our family & friends... Save the earth NOW, before it's too late. Before we arrive to a point of no return. It has got to start with us all. Let's work together.

Zero GST/SST June 04 2018, 19 Comments

Yes, we have always been caring about your wallet. And for that to happen, we at Bagstra have never included GST charges into any of our bag prices, even though GST was implemented beginning 1st April 2015. So with that, enjoy your shopping here guys (& girls of course!)!!!


Please take good care of your belongings. May 31 2018, 14 Comments

Being in the bag business, it always break our hearts when we hear cases of our customers getting their bags stolen. Therefore, we STRONGLY advise everyone to NOT put their valuables/ laptop bags in their cars. It might be inconvenient to carry them all the time, but it's always better than losing your laptop/valuables. Stay safe!